Dr James Morandini

B Psych (Hons), D Clin Psych, Ph.D. (Psychology)
Clinic Director
Clinical Psychologist

Dr Morandini is an internationally recognised researcher in the field of gender identity and sexual orientation.

He has published widely on these topics in academic journals, has lectured on undergraduate and postgraduate psychology programs, and provides clinical supervision on these issues to clinical psychologists and other health professionals in Australia and abroad. He is a full member of the Australian Professional Association of Transgender Health (AUSPATH) and has a range of international research collaborations on gender dysphoria, including with The Tavistock Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), London, as well as research teams at Northwestern and Penn State University.

Successful Sexuality/Gender Grants:

Editorial Board Member



Research Students

- Isabella Andonoski (UTS: 2023-24)
- Jessica Prout (UTS: 2023-24)
- Patrick Lewis (USYD: 2023)
- Damien Beckmann-Scott (USYD: 2019)
- Liam Dacosta (USYD: 2018)

- Marlon Woods (USYD: 2020-22)
- Fabian Friedrich (ACU: 2022-23)
- Rebecca Cobcroft (UTS: 2023-ongoing)

- Liam Dacosta (USYD: 2019-23)
- Ruth Kuntzman (USYD: 2016-2020)
- Sue Ji (USYD: 2021-ongoing)
- Ting Zhou (USYD: 2021-ongoing)

Current Research

Below are some recent publications the area of sexuality/gender by our Dr Morandini:

Morandini, J. S., Kelly, A., de Graaf, N. M., Carmichael, P., & Dar-Nimrod, I. (2022).Shifts in demographics and mental health co-morbidities among gender dysphoric youth referred to a specialist gender dysphoria service. Clinical child psychology and psychiatry, 27(2), 480-491.

Morandini, J. S., Menzies, R. E., Moreton, S. G., & Dar-Nimrod, I. (2022). Do Beliefs About Sexual Orientation Predict Sexual Identity Labeling Among Sexual Minorities? Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.

Morandini, J. S., Blaszczynski, A., & Dar-Nimrod, I. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-022-02465-7 3. Who adopts queer and pansexual sexual identities?. (2017). The Journal of Sex Research, 54(7), 911-922. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2016.1249332

Morandini, J. S., Blaszczynski, A., Ross, M. W., Costa, D. S., & Dar-Nimrod, I. (2015). Essentialist beliefs, sexual identity uncertainty, internalized homonegativity and psychological wellbeing in gay men. ournal of counseling psychology, 62(3), 413. https://doi.org/10.1037/cou0000072

Morandini, J. S., Blaszczynski, A., Dar‐Nimrod, I., & Ross, M. W. (2015). Minority stress and community connectedness among gay, lesbian and bisexual Australians: a comparison of rural and metropolitan localities. Australian and New Zealand journal of public health, 39(3), 260-266. https://doi: 10.1111/1753-6405.12364

Morandini, J. S., Blaszczynski, A., Costa, D. S., Godwin, A., & Dar-Nimrod, I. (2017). Born this way: Sexual orientation beliefs and their correlates in lesbian and bisexual women. Journal of counseling psychology, 64(5), 560. https://doi.org/10.1037/cou0000209

Lynch, K. E., Morandini, J. S., Dar-Nimrod, I., & Griffiths, P. E. (2019). Causal reasoning about human behavior genetics: synthesis and future directions. Behavior Genetics, 49(2), 221-234. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10519-018-9909-z

Morandini, J. S., Pinkus, R. T., & Dar-Nimrod, I. (2018). Does partner gender influence relationship quality among non-monosexual women? Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 33(1-2), 146-165. https://doi.org/10.1080/14681994.2017.1419568

Hunt, C. J., Morandini, J., Dar-Nimrod, I., & Barlow, F. K. (2020). Why do some gay men identify as “straight-acting” and how is it related to well-being? Archives of sexual behavior, 49(5), 1713-1723. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-020-01702-1

Morandini, J. S., Veldre, A., Holcombe, A. O., Hsu, K., Lykins, A., Bailey, J. M., & Dar-Nimrod, I. (2019).Visual attention to sexual stimuli in mostly heterosexuals. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48(5), 1371-1385. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-019-1419-4

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Morandini, J. S., Dacosta, L., & Dar-Nimrod, I. (2021). Exposure to continuous or fluid theories of sexual orientation leads some heterosexuals to embrace less-exclusive heterosexual orientations. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-94479-9

Dacosta, L., Pinkus, R. T., Morandini, J., & Dar-Nimrod, I. (2021). Condom use during COVID-19: Findings from an Australian sample of heterosexual young adults. Sexologies, 30(1), e43-e48. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sexol.2020.12.007

Morandini, J., Strudwick, J., Menzies, R., & Dar-Nimrod, I. (2022). Differences between Australian bisexual and pansexual women: an assessment of minority stressors and psychological outcomes. Psychology & Sexuality, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/19419899.2022.2100717

Lane, A. S., Lynch, K. E., Arnold, M., Dar-Nimrod, I., Morandini, J., Gawronski, S. A., & Griffiths, P. E. (2022). The undue influence of genetic information on medical students' treatment decisions.medRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.10.31.22281782

Ganesan, A., Morandini, J. S., Veldre, A., Hsu, K. J., & Dar-Nimrod, I. (2020). Ethnic differences in visual attention to sexual stimuli among Asian and White heterosexual women and men Personality and Individual Differences, 155, 109630. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2019.109630

Dar-Nimrod, I., Kuntzman, R., MacNevin, G., Lynch, K., Woods, M., & Morandini, J. (2021).Genetic essentialism: The mediating role of essentialist biases on the relationship between genetic knowledge and the interpretations of genetic information.European Journal of Medical Genetics, 64(1), 104-119. https://doi.org/10.1016/

Dar-Nimrod, I., MacNevin, G., Godwin, A., Lynch, K., Cohen, T. M., Ganesan, A., & Morandini, J. (2018).Genetic knowledge within a national Australian sample: Comparisons with other diverse populations.Public Health Genomics, 21(3-4), 133-143. https://doi.org/10.1159/000496381

Morandini, J. S., Spence, B., Dar-Nimrod, I., & Lykins, A. D. (2020).Do bisexuals have a bisexual viewing pattern?Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49(2), 489-502. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-019-01514-y

Morandini, J. S., Kelly, A, de Graaf, N., Dar-Nimrod, I., & Carmichael, P (2021).Is Social Gender Transition Associated with Mental Health Status in Children and Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria?.(under review)

Dar-Nimrod, I., Kuntzman, R., MacNevin, G., Lynch, K., Woods, M., & Morandini, J. (2021).Can listeners recognise the voices of bisexual men.Journal of Sex Research. (provisionally accepted).